Sampletekk BOB Brass

Sampletekk BOB Brass [MULTIFORMAT]

302 meg of French Horn. All wavs Full envelope/no loops. Two separate versions of every Instrument Preset allow unique, true Doubling Presets to be included. You get two separate Multi-Velocity Fr Horns and their Doubler Presets, plus separate Presets of each velocity layer (Piano,Mezzoforte,Forte) & Doubled Presets of each velocity type. In addition to multi-velocity main instruments, there are single velocity (Mezzoforte) versions of special attacks. Includes 2-Staccato,2-Sordini, 2-Stopped, 2-Tongued variants & Doubled Presets of these variants. Also includes short & long crescendo presets + some “gliss” attacks.

From the Sound on Sound Review
“The quiet notes are excellent and sound great when played chordally”
“‘Stopped’ French horn performances give that tight, brassy, and almost synth-like timbre that cuts through the murk of an orchestral arrangement”

B.O.B, Trombone – 440meg of Trombone. All wavs Full envelope/no loops. Two separate versions of every Instrument Preset allow unique, true Doubling Presets to be included. You get two separate Multi-Velocity Trombones and their Doubler Presets, plus separate Presets of each velocity layer (Piano,Mezzoforte,Forte) & Doubled Presets of each velocity type. In addition to multi-velocity main instruments, there are single velocity (Mezzoforte) versions of special attacks. Includes 2-Staccato,2-Sordini & 2-Tongued variants & Doubled Presets of these variants. Also includes short & long crescendo presets and some special “gliss” attacks.

From the Sound on Sound Review
“this player has a rich tone with a powerful low register”
“the performances are good, and the multi-velocity sustains sound strong when reverb is added. The trombone staccatos are clean, punchy and tight, and there are some good, vulgar slides ranging from a minor third to a tritone. ”

B.O.B, Trumpet – 348meg of Trumpet. All wavs Full envelope/no loops. Two separate versions of every Instrument Preset allow unique, true Doubling Presets to be included. You get two separate Multi-Velocity Trumpets and their Doubler Presets, plus separate Presets of each velocity layer (Piano,Mezzoforte,Forte) & Doubled Presets of each velocity type. In addition to multi-velocity main instruments, there are single velocity (Mezzoforte) versions of special attacks. Includes 2-Staccato,2-Sordini & 2-Tongued variants & Doubled Presets of these variants. Also includes short & long crescendo presets and some special “gliss” attacks. *The 2 Sordini Presets have Mezzoforte & Forte Layers with their Doubled Presets.

From the Sound on Sound Review
“…performances are accurate and convincing…”
“The instrument’s three dynamic layers are well differentiated, with confident loud performances, clear and warm mf samples, plus subdued quiet notes that are almost delicate. At the other end of the spectrum, the staccatos are bold and bright, and you can layer them with the loud sustains to produce forceful attacks.”

B.O.B, Tuba- 341 meg of Tuba. All wavs Full envelope/no loops. Two separate versions of every Instrument Preset allow unique, true Doubling Presets to be included. You get two separate Multi-Velocity Tubas and their Doubler Presets, plus separate Presets of each velocity layer (Piano,Mezzoforte,Forte) & Doubled Presets of each velocity type. In addition to multi-velocity main instruments, there are single velocity (Mezzoforte) versions of special attacks. Includes Staccato,Tongued variants & Doubled Presets of these variants. Also includes short & long crescendo presets.

From the Sound on Sound Review
“The tuba is big and bassy, and its three dynamic layers range from plummy to farty. Sustains and staccatos are well executed, and this tuba holds its own against more expensive competitors.”

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