Chance TEN

Isotonik Studios Chance TEN

The Chance TEN pack is a set of simple MaxforLive devices based on probability and randomness, inspired by the scripts used by Brian Eno. These MIDI devices allow you to set the probability of notes passing through or being altered, in their pitch and velocity values. Other devices use MIDI input to trigger parameters in Live. Creating these as single function devices allows you to mix and match as you like and create unique MIDI FX chains.

As a bonus, you also get one device which is not based on chance, a velocity sequencer which will change the velocity of any incoming notes, instantly adding movement and life to any dry MIDI


The Chance Ten Pack begins with Chance Play. Play whatever notes you like, or put them into Live’s piano roll, but only a certain percentage of those notes will play through.

Set the probability of any MIDI notes getting through the device and playing. PD (Preserve Downbeat) Mode will always let any note through which lands on the downbeat of any bar.


This device lets you set the probability of any note being transposed by the amount you set. If you want more control, there is also a trigger which will transpose all notes when held down. When the trigger is released the probability will return to the amount previously set.


When this device is triggered, any incoming note will be repeated. The delayed note distance from the initial note can be set in ms or sync times. Set the probability of any note triggering the device. The slider sets the velocity level of the repeated note. There is also a trigger button to have more hands on control, which works exactly as the above device.


This device allows you to set alternative notes to be assigned to particular MIDI notes. For each alternative, you can set the probability level of that note being played. If for example you set it to E3 & an E3 note comes in, probabilities are set for the possibility of that note being transposed by -12, 4, 7, 12, -5, -8 or 24 semitones. The transpose amounts can be set within 2 octaves above or below the initial note.

8 different specific incoming notes can be given individual alternate probabilities each.


This device will trigger a glitchy stutter/beat repeat effect of your notes. There are probability controls for the speed of the drill and the duration. You can also set the probability of 3 velocity modes – level, rising and falling velocity. Again, you can trigger the device by probability, or by using the trigger button.


Mid way through the Chance Ten line up the Chance Note device will allow you to set the probability of specific notes being triggered by incoming MIDI. The device doesn’t care what the incoming note is. Any notes will trigger a random note based on the probability values you set.

In the Device image, there is a 66% chance that your note will be replaced by a C#, D#, F, F#, G#, A# or B, with various degrees of probability for each note. You can set a particular scale and root note, which will remove the probability of notes which are not in the scale, and put the probability of the scale’s notes at 100% for each. This is supposed to be used as a starting point, then you can alter the probability for individual notes.

By default, the notes will play at the same octave as the initial MIDI note which comes into the device. You can also set the range of octave randomization /-.


This device allows you to randomize any parameter in Live within a certain range of randomization. Map the parameter by clicking the Map button and then clicking any parameter in Live. Then the top dial can be used to control that parameter.

Turn the bottom dial to set the range of randomization, which is shown as a modulation ring around the top dial. Then the white indicator will move around randomly within that range. The randomization will occur every time a MIDI note passes through the device.

Use the slider to set the amount of smoothing between randomized values.


This device will allow any MIDI note to trigger a simple envelope to change the value of any parameter. After the parameter has been mapped, a MIDI on and off signals will cause the parameter to rise and fall.

Set the on/off values of the parameter using the range slider on the left. Smoothing values can be added using the slider at the top, for each the note on and note off triggers. The slider on the right allows you to set a mimimum velocity level in order to trigger the device. If a note with a lower velocity value comes through then it is ignored.


This device automatically connects to the panning for the Track in Live which holds the device. The panning is then modified either by LFO or by incoming MIDI.

Using the dials, you can set a relative centre for the panning movement, the range of panning, smoothing and randomization.

In LFO mode, you can set the LFO type and sync speed. In Note mode, the panning will alternate from left to right upon each incoming MIDI note. In this mode the 2 dials on the right can be used. The value change can be smoothed, and randomisation can be added.

Note mode can be useful for getting some movement into percussive sounds. If the sounds are more sustained, then smoothing will be necessary to avoid any clicks from sudden panning changes.


This is a polyphonic MIDI delay device. Delay time can be set in ms or sync times. The slider acts as a feedback which sets the relative velocity drop of each successive note. Again you can set the probability of any given note triggering the device, or use the trigger for direct control.

Bonus Device – Velocity_Seq

Chance Ten concludes with a bonus device (it didn’t fit in with the probability theme but was too cool not to include) This device allows you to set a sequence of velocity values. Any incoming notes will take on the velocity level of the current step in the sequence. You can set between 2 and 16 steps. The range slider sets a minimum and maximum velocity level for the sliders above.

The right dial adds randomization to each velocity step in the sequence in relation to the values you have set.

Compatibility: Ableton Live 9.7.5+ | Ableton Live 10
Min. Requirements: MaxforLive is Essential


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