AmpliTube 5 Complete v5.0.1

IK Multimedia AmpliTube 5 Complete v5.0.1

IK Multimedia’s AmpliTube software has forged a formidable reputation over the years for offering a comprehensive array of digital tone-tweaking tools, but AmpliTube 5 promises to eclipse its predecessors with with a newly designed GUI that is fully scalable and supports Retina displays, an enhanced user experience, and more gear. A lot more gear.

We found that AmpliTube 5 has a bug that cause starting wrong broken
authorization after longer usage. If you authorized AT5 with legit license,
that authorization check returns “FALSE” because you don’t have the license
for that wrong product. The crack previously shared by other person bypasses
that auth check and always returns “TRUE”, which makes that wrong
authorization validated – the result is unexpected.

Our keygen generate valid licenses for AT5 and 375 valid modules. It doesn’t
unlock the wrong components. Hope our version works better as expected! Yes
of course, AAX is working too 🙂
