wesome ChopSuey

Dawesome ChopSuey v1.3 [WIN]

Ultimate Workflow
We’ve all been there: you browse through hundreds of kicks, but nothing really works. One has a nice transient, another one a cool punch in the face and the third has the perfect boomy tail. But once you layer them the result is a weak muddy mess: layering kicks is rarely successful.

Chop Suey is the solution: instead of layering, the elements are sequenced. This method eliminates phasing issues while allowing the combined kick to maintain the crisp transient, the punch of the body and the characteristic tail.

What You See Is What You Get
Shaping kicks with a compressor, saturator or transient designer can be a tedious task. These tools affect the whole kick, making it impossible to simply edit the transient without impacting the body. The workable ranges are tiny and your options are massively limited. With Chop Suey you can always see what you are doing. As the first few milliseconds of a kick are so crucial for the perception you can visually stretch this area to allow for fine editing.

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